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Arnica Montana: a plant that makes you feel good!

This text is the English version of the original text written in French by Boiron Canada, published today, May 1st, on the Mieux être magazine website With spring in full swing and summer knocking on our doors, there is an increase in physical activities of all kinds such as cycling, hiking, water sports, gardening, spring cleaning …

Arnica Montana: a plant that makes you feel good! Read More »

How can we live better with allergies?

Here are few tips to help! To your handkerchiefs… Spring is back!  As wonderful the Spring season can be as nature’s coming alive again, it also rhymes with allergies, which, for the majority of us, many discomforts and inconveniences. Moreover, according to the latest report on allergies published by the World Health Organization, nearly 50% …

How can we live better with allergies? Read More »

What is Homeopathy, and can it fit into your regimen?

Below is an article on homeopathy, entitled “What is Homeopathy, and can it fit into your regimen?” and written by Karen Robock. This article was published this March in the Canadian Living, and is now available on their website. Can homeopathic remedies really cure my migraines, or help my kid kick a cold? Homeopathy is …

What is Homeopathy, and can it fit into your regimen? Read More »

And what if we talk about homeopathy …

Below is an article on homeopathy, entitled “What if we talk about homeopathy…” and signed by two experts: Christiane Laberge, MD, family physician, communicator and health speaker and, in research collaboration, Rachel Roberts, CEO of the Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) in the United Kingdom. This article was just published in the Winter 2023 edition of …

And what if we talk about homeopathy … Read More »

How to preserve your immunity?

Lifestyle and homeopathy: actions and useful therapy to preserve immunity The body’s ability to defend itself, in particular, against aggression can be weakened by various factors. A healthy lifestyle and an adapted diet help strengthen its immune defenses. What is immunity? Immunity is our body’s ability to defend itself including, against aggressions caused by substances …

How to preserve your immunity? Read More »

Integrative health: An avenue to explore within the health care system?

Below is the english version of the full article that appeared in the Fall 2022 issue of Mieux-Être magazine. At a time when the Quebec health care system is undergoing a priority reform, considering the philosophy of the Integrative Health concept no longer seems so surprising: the consumer of health care is and will be …

Integrative health: An avenue to explore within the health care system? Read More »

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