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How to prepare for autumn?

The summer holidays are but a distant memory, the days are getting shorter and temperatures are dropping. To avoid low morale, or even falling sick, here is our programme to face this new season with a smile.

Benefits of daily walks

Practice a sport, or walk for at least 30 minutes each day. It doesn’t cost a penny and it’s good for morale and energy. Physical activity reduces the risk of respiratory infections such as the common cold by approximately 43%, according to a study published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine. 1 Regular walking has a direct impact on the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems by: reducing the risk of coronary disease and stroke; lowering blood pressure; reducing cholesterol levels in blood; increasing bone density, hence preventing osteoporosis; managing the negative effects of osteoarthritis, and easing back pain.2

Sleep helps to fight against stress

Sleep is a valuable ally for physical and psychological health as well as for the prevention of health problems. We sleep to conserve our energy, and to refuel it daily. We also sleep to memorize and learn, but it is equally important for emotions and stress management.3
According to data from the Public Health Agency of Canada on sleep, 36.3% of adults who get insufficient sleep report having chronic stress compared to 23.2% of adults who get adequate sleep. Canadian adults should sleep at least from 7 to 9 hours per night for those aged from 18 to 64 years old, and from 7 to 8 hours per night for those aged 65+. Yet, a good sleep is part of a healthy lifestyle.4

Air your house

And even if temperatures are in free-fall, do not forget to air your house for between 15 and 30 minutes per day to renew the air and thus eliminate any interior pollutants.

Top up on vitamins

Gone are the serial aperitifs and barbecues. It’s time to return to a balanced diet, as deficiencies can impair the immune system and thus lead to disease. Top up on energy with a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Fill your kitchen with seasonal vegetables (mushrooms, spinach, carrots, pumpkin, broccoli) and fruit (bananas, lemons, apples, grapes, oranges), spices (cumin, coriander, curry, ginger), vitamin B-rich lentils and the famous Vitamin D, found mainly in oily fish.

Be good to yourself

It’s time to say goodbye to your sandals and to get out the warm clothes, or even to renew part of your wardrobe. If the idea of turning the heating back on in your apartment demoralises you, why not book a beauty care session in a salon to heal your body and boost your morale? And as there is less sun in autumn, why not try light therapy? This light treatment uses a special lamp that can boost your disoriented biological clock, thus countering the seasonal affective disorder that is thought to affect between 2 to 3% of Canadians. Thus using a 10,000 lux light therapy lamp daily could turn out to be an effective treatment. 5

Maintaining good immune defenses

Autumn with the colder weather that starts to settle in, also means that we will be spending more time indoors closer to each other. This situation offers a favourable environment for the return of viral infectious diseases such as cold and flu.
On top of the advice provided in this article and the basic sanitary measures that should be followed like regular hand washing, homeopathy and naturopathy are two therapeutic approaches that examine the individual as a whole. Both approaches aim to maintain health as well as prevent illness on physical, emotional and mental levels.





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