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Five tips to better live teleworking…

Teleworking: a source of discomfort or well-being?

In recent years, due to the global pandemic, teleworking has taken a primordial place in our daily lives, bringing with it upheaval and reorganization in our lifestyles. Experts say that this new way of working will gain considerable momentum over the next few years even in post-pandemic days, whether in permanent or hybrid mode.1

Indeed, this new way of working brings many advantages, in particular, work-family balance, flexibility or the reduction of stress and fatigue in transport. But for some of us, telecommuting has also become synonymous with many physical ailments.

How does the experience of teleworking turn into a source of well-being contributing to a better quality of life?

Here are 5 tips to better live teleworking:

  1. Create a comfortable and adapted workspace

Start by setting up your desktop with a large screen at eye level in addition to your laptop. Spending extended hours in front of our computer screens requires sustained visual efforts. What feels to us like tired eyes is what optometrists call “eye strain” or “computer vision syndrome.” 2

However, eye strain can be prevented or in part reduced by cleaning our screens often, adjusting the color hue and light intensity according to the lighting in our surrounding workspace, and blinking often to alleviate dryness and itchy eyes. In this case the use of eye drops to soothe eye irritation can certainly be an effective solution.

Optique 1: to the rescue of irritated eyes… especially in front of the computer…

Boiron homeopathic eye drops provide relief from mild eye irritations, such as dryness, burning, redness or itching, and eye strain in general. The eye drops can be used by adults and children from the age of one year and since they are offered in single-use-dose units, the whole family can use them, without risk of contamination from the bottle dispenser!

Optique1® | Boiron Canada

In addition, the use of an ergonomic chair that adjusts to our body is essential for our posture and limits pain in the back, shoulders and neck. Physiotherapists are increasingly overwhelmed in their practices by various pains related to teleworking!

  1. Define a specific workspace

It is important to create a space dedicated specifically to teleworking. This area will help to differentiate between work and your personal life. If you cannot create a designated workspace, it’s important to put your work stuff away in the evening to ensure balance between your professional and personal life.

  1. Get up and get moving!

When we go to our workplace, we are naturally led to move: we walk to our car, to public transport or between offices, to meeting rooms or restaurants. However teleworking obliges us to become even more sedentary which can be harmful to our health. It’s important to make an effort to get up every 2 hours, and especially remember to stand often or walk or even to make a phone call even if only within your home.2

What to do when you end up hurting everywhere?

By spending a lot of time in front of our screen and forgetting to move, we end up developing physical pains especially shoulder and neck pain, as well as pain in the middle and lower back, and in your legs. Some of these issues can be relieved by performing some stretching exercises and changing positions on our chair.3

But you can also use Boiron’s Arnicare range to relieve these ailments.

Arnicare® – Relieve your pain | Boiron Canada

  1. Take breaks and save your time for lunch 4

It is important to recharge your batteries by taking a few minutes to relax and be active. Going out for even fifteen minutes to get some fresh air in the morning and afternoon is ideal. Finally, take the time to take a real break for lunch by disconnecting from your computer or phone. A real lunch in peace will also limit your cravings for snacking the rest of the day.

  1. Maintain contact with colleagues 5

Take the time daily to interact with your colleagues using the many computer tools. At Boiron Canada during teleworking, we organize 15-minute coffee teams in the morning to chat with colleagues. These are pleasant moments to exchange with our colleagues and keep the team spirit alive!

In conclusion, even when working from home, do not forget to take care of yourself, to adopt good working and organizational reflexes, and to always have Arnicare or Optique1 on hand to help relieve minor irritations if necessary!

Note: These homeopathic medicines may not be suitable for everyone. Always read the label and follow the directions for use.


1     Le télétravail va-t-il perdurer ? | L’actualité ( *

2    Télétravail | Le dilemme de la chaise de bureau | La Presse*

3    En télétravail, il faut s’imposer une hygiène de vie (  *

4    Mal partout à cause de vos écrans? | Pause ( *

5     Don’t forget about mental health! – Organize your telework – Publications du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (

* available only in the French version




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